Wednesday, March 21, 2007

ride on

So, I’ve been sick on and off for a week now. I had all of these fantasies post turning in the thesis of going out and partying until the sun’s lungs puff up, but I’ve just been gazing around, working if I can, watering plants if the occasion demands. Maggie’s been sick too—worse than me so I shouldn’t complain. Maybe tiredness is exhaustion, or just my moodiness gearing up for Spring Break.

I’m missing Mary’s reading tonight, which I’m really upset about. I definitely won’t miss the reading on the 6th, though. Two days from my birthday. I suppose it would be appropriate to celebrate my new favorite book.

In other news: there’s never been any question about my love for Alison Goldfrapp. But when her band showed up in L World this week, I was a little unnerved. I should be happy, I suppose. Well, I won’t qualify that. I hope more people get into them. Here is a paragraph for a belated Sunday link.


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