
I'�ve lost so many brain cells finishing my novel that I�'m starting to categorize moments in my life with one word, two-syllable, palpable descriptions. But this week I finally handed it over to Nin and promised not to meddle with it whilst she does her thang.
Dearest Susan Sontag, I apologize for writing �"barf"� after your name on my previous post. Truly, my mood had nothing to do with you or your essays, only my uncharitable and careless brain gagging on the fumes of academia. Today I finished your critique, �Regarding the Pain of Others� and I must say that I find your brilliance astounding. Please accept my apology. I am an asshole.
Right now I am reading �God'�s Politics: Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesn�t Get It� by Jim Wallis a well know and highly respected evangelical. Though I turn each page with a critical eye, I think this book is perhaps the most important book (dealing with faith and politics) on the shelf today for its accessibility, objectivity, and, dare I say it, hopeful outlook for social justice.
To conclude my opening thought, I hope that the next time I venture to write something here, I am inspired to try harder than �"weekend"�. I hate concluding paragraphs.
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