Tuesday, July 12, 2005

just a nudge

I'm having a week that is so filled with impatience I'm not quite sure how to, ironically, mend it quickly enough to actually get a good full breath in. Nin is leaving for Iowa soon. This morning I went into the bedroom where Winston was sleeping (he doesn't sleep on the floor anymore, too barbaric to lay where there isn't adequate cushioning for his head I guess). After he pained himself to roll over and look at me I told him that I would be solely responsible for his well being for over a week and he gave me a look like: You. Have. Got. To. Be. Kidding. Me. He blinked a few times, let out a dramatic squealing sigh, and then rolled back to his late morning nap.

Earlier this morning I drove into Kent to workout. Traffic was moving so slowly and then I got to the crosswalk of W. Main and Lincoln, the light turned green, and then there were four middle school aged girls that were walking so slowly that I ended up missing the green light completely. I think, perhaps, God was punishing me because I honestly had one of those vivid thoughts of pressing on the gas. It wasn't like a run-them-over fantasy or anything like that, I just wanted to give them a little nudge with my bumper, hurry them along. To make matters worse, a few minutes ago I decided to finally eat something and am sure, beyond doubt, that I sprained my right hand trying to open the Spanish olives. But this is what happens when Nin leaves for work trips. All of the hinges shake themselves loose until I can't stop wobbling. I'm not sure how things will go, actually. I won't try to make any predictions. Voltaire wrote: Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.


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