Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Last weekend I was home to go to my Aunt's wedding. It was okay. As fun as a dry wedding can be on a hot day with a full Catholic mass. I did get to do one of the readings from Genesis, though, which despite the irony of me actually delivering the reading, was actually a pretty fun thing to do. It made me miss teaching.

Instead of using my grant money to write and not worry about getting a job this summer--all I can do is worry about not having a job for the fall. And last week I watched a marathon on MSNBC of this prison documentary series called "lockdown" for approximately 10 hours. All I know is that I started it after I got back from my run in the early morning, and when it was finished, the sun was going down. And now I'm having dreams that I'm in a prison cell with what seems to be my baby (to whom I also gave birth in prison) and I can't get us out, despite my many lavish escape plans. I think that the baby is my book. But I haven't figured out what the prison is yet.

I forget where I came across this, but it makes me laugh:

Maybe for the rest of the summer, instead of worrying, I'll try to figure out how to do this on a treadmill. Now I just need some band mates as cool as OK Go.


Blogger Mona Bozick said...

Hi Jessica, good to hear from you. How's life in GA? Same old same old in OH. Just have to tell you that I am so glad that you posted the OK GO video. In WA where I am now it's only 9:30 am and watching that made my morning! Thanks!

9:30 AM  

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