Wednesday, June 27, 2007

hapless human luck

Today I made a big mistake. 5 miles outside at 11am. I've been training harder these days, and had intended to go to the workout room and do an hour on the elliptical (a.k.a--suicide machine) but a locksmith was working on the door. So I decided to just run outside, despite my better judgment. After all, I thought I felt a breeze on the way to the workout room, and, I thought, the expected daily high of 97 with 85 percent humidity couldn't be that bad in late morning.

See the problem with the running psyche is totally different down South than it is up North. As I would imagine would be true for anyone doing endurance heat training. In the North, you can get to 5, 6 miles before ever having that little tick needling into your mind--I'm tired, I didn't drink enough water, my calf feels a little tight. But it's a molehill, and eventually you force through it. But down here, especially in the extreme heat, you get to the first mental block in under a mile. And it's not about the body as much, you feel strong. But you can't breathe, your lungs feel hot, your skin is covered in dew.

Anyway I've read that the body adjusts--the exoskeleton and organs learn the new environment. But the brain is a hard thing to retrain.

In other news, I finally snagged a picture of the mama bird sitting on the egg. I had to turn my flash off so that I didn't scare her away, so it's a little whitewashed, but you can see her pretty clearly. I don't know what kind of bird it is. Mom, if you are reading this, ask Dad to show you how to post a comment and tell me what kind of bird this is.

She has sweet eyes. And in the morning, she chases chipmunks through the bushes. It's absolutely hilarious.

Oh, and check this out. Fantastic.


Blogger mydisguises said...

she is beautiful. and i admire your attempts at running. jesus. not for me. i hear there's a runner's high, but i can never run long enough to get one.

1:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your blog is great -- and the bird picture: terrific. We looked but don't know what kind of bird it is. We'll have to keep looking out our window. And just so you know, it has been tough running here as well. Usually don't see the hot, muggy weather until August.

6:07 AM  

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